Is really FREE?
Yes, is totally FREE for users to put up their profile and make a booking directly with the Performing Artist or Charity. ARTISTS 4 A CAUSE®does not take any fee for this service. is the first internet service and hub to help match the right Charities supporting specific Charitable Causes to the right Performing Artists supporting the same specific Charitable Causes. The ethos of ARTISTS 4 A CAUSE® is as Mary Emme says: “In doing so we can make a positive difference as we contribute to making our world a much better place.’’ Therefore, it is absolutely clear that this resource should be freely available.
Who can view my profile?
Only Charities and Performing Artists who have registered can see the other’s profile in full when searching. If a member of the public views they can only see general website pages open to the public such as the website pages that explain the reasons for founding ARTISTS 4 A CAUSE® and creating the website.
How do I edit/update my account?
To edit your profile and update it, simply login to your account using your email address and password and then you may edit your profile as you require. Be sure to click the save button so that your changes are updated before you log out.
How do I delete my account?
To delete your account permanently, choose the option in your account to delete your account permanently. Your information will no longer be available and for increased internet security cannot be retrieved. Should you wish to register again you will be required fill out the registration form again.
How do I report an issue?
To make as simple and easy as possible, you have a choice of entering your issue into the contact form which you will find in the webpage titled Contact, or, email support on We will try to get back to you as soon as possible using only the email address for added security.
How secure is my data?
The Legal pages contain all the information about the ways that uses to protect data on the website. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy and let us know if you have any questions. Below is an excerpt from the legal document entitled “YOUR PRIVACY” under Privacy Policy:
“All information we receive from our website users is protected by our secure server.’s secure server software encrypts all website user information before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all website user data collected is secured against unauthorized use or access. Credit card information is not stored by us on our servers.”
Only logged in registered Performing Artists or logged in registered Charities can view profiles. Performing Artists can only view Charity profiles and only Charities can view Performing Artist profiles.
For more information about issues related to this question please visit the website pages headed Legal.
How do I keep my account safe?
The best way to keep your account safe is not to share your confidential password with anyone, change your password often and do not use your unique password for any other of your internet accounts on other websites.
How do I add or upload files?
To upload files to such as a photo of yourself and/or your charity’s logo, please follow the instructions either when you first enter your information to register or when you log into your account to alter your profile by adding an Image File.
Allowed Image File Extensions: bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, tiff, png and the Image File must be at least 250 pixels by 250 pixels in size.
If you have any problems, please email and we will be happy to assist you.